Announcing the finalists for the 2025 Adobe Experience Maker Awards!

The Campaign Tracking MULTI-verse of Madness!

Aug 31, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 PM (UTC)

NOAM East [Virtual]

Part 2 in the International Campaign Tracking series that started over in EMEA with Frederick Werner and Daniel Tomlinson!

About this event

Part 2 in the International Campaign Tracking series that started over in EMEA with Frederick Werner and Daniel Tomlinson!

Join us as we follow-up where Frederik and Daniel left off for a fully-refreshed, and multi-faceted presentation that will take you into the Madness that can be - Campaign Tracking on the Web!

  • What is Campaign Tracking, really, and why should I care about it?
  • What rules should you follow and what might upset your entire universe?
  • What are the standards?
  • What tools are available?
  • BONUS: Come hear from Claravine about how you can up your game!  And be sure to stick around, as they'll be doing a giveaway with prizes for two lucky attendees as well!

Missed one of the earlier Campaign Tracking series? Check the recordings out on the AAUG YouTube Channel.


  • Jennifer Dungan


    Adobe Analytics User Group Leader

  • Jeff Bloomer

    Adobe Analytics User Group Leader

  • Andy Lunsford


    Associate Director, Data Instrumentation


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